Ways And Approaches To Take DUI Classes Online From House

An alcohol and drug evaluation is an integral part of representation in a DUI case. It involves having the customer meet a counselor for approximately an hour and a half and be interviewed to figure out whether they struggle with alcohol and or substance abuse or dependence. At the conclusion of the interview the counselor will write a report and state whether the customer has any alcohol and or drug concerns and whether the would take advantage of treatment. Having a client get this assessment done early on in the DUI process will greatly benefit them for a number of factors.

First a Judge will need the customer to get an evaluation done at the time of sentencing whether it is to the DUI as charged or to some lower offense. To put it simply unless the DUI charge gets totally dismissed or lowered to a traffic offense this is mandatory. It is my viewpoint because the client will be needed to do it anyhow, it's best to get it done with and have one less thing to fret about.

Second of all because it will be needed the client might as well know what they are agreeing to. As I stated above at the time of sentencing the Judge will need the client get this evaluation done. If it's not done prior to the sentencing then the customer will just be concurring to do whatever it states without understanding what it is. Simply put if the customer waits until after sentencing to get the evaluation done, and it returns they experience alcoholism and requires 2 years worth of treatment that is going to cost $5000 than that is something they most likely would have liked to know when they were choosing whether to take a plea offer which was contingent on them concurring to do the evaluation and any follow up treatment.

Last but not least the assessment can be used as a settlement tool with the Prosecution. In my experience when the Prosecutor is on the fence about whether to use a decrease in charges one of the elements they will think about is whether it's most likely the Offender will get in problem again. If the Attorney can offer an assessment saying the Defendant does not have any substance abuse concerns, and they are not likely to reoffend, and this DUI arrest ran out character than that is something that may sway the District Helpful resources attorney from one side of the fence to the other side.

Having a client get this assessment earlier rather than later on is perfect when successfully representing them on a DUI. I have actually never seen nor become aware of an offender being negatively impacted when this is done early on in the process.